A Mother’s Submission


Rearrange the letters.

Okay God, you have my attention.

Your’s Truly, A-M-Y

Hello all the things that May brings. In my opinion, May is busier than the festivities of December.

Field Day / Reading Campout Day / Teacher Appreciation Week / end of BSF season for our family / Holiday Weekend / School Ends / End of school year activities at the library / planting the garden / Graduation Parties / Birthday Parties / Tulip Time / Cinco de Mayo / an out of the blue kindergarten graduation for one of my littles / you get the idea because your list keeps growing too.

As a kid, my extended family got together in May to celebrate about 15 May birthdays.

For me all the things have always happened in… May.

I recently shared HERE the torture of planting my garden at this time of year and waiting for it’s goodness to blossom several days later. May warrants cultivating, believing, and the slow process of waiting.

Over the years, May has symbolized putting on my big girl pants versus being consumed by the busy happening around me.

My Birthday - May 13

Mother’s Day - May 12

Remission from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Day - May 24

Getting my scans in to meet with my oncologist every six months even falls in May. - Scan: May 13 and Doc: May 23

In this space and time, three out of the five happen within 24 hours.

3 Reasons to “Throw Up My Hands.”

Mother’s Day… Celebrating a lack of control. As a mom, I fight to control all the things. Disappointment, grief, loss, pain, the straight path taking a detour, the zig zags, disease, outcomes, and fear. Sometimes, I experience these myself and as a mom.

Luckily, for all of us we come from a Creator who knows all the shoes we step into, knows our hearts desires, and forgives us when we neglect obedience. Our Creator loves us, so we can love too. Our Sovereign Creator loves creating good.

Scan Day… The old familiar feeling that, “I am a bump away from a blowout.” Yet, I am feeling armored up compared to my last scan that I shared about HERE. Bracing myself because “My insides will be exposed.”


If the laundry phrase, “Free and Clear,” doesn’t say it all, well here’s my best shot. My prayer is that I will walk in freedom of whatever comes of my scan and the weight of dancing between milestones. Motherhood in a nutshell, right? And hopefully a little more obvious… Clear, clear, clear results and a clear mind in the waiting.

My Birthday… Remembering I am still alive. God created me on purpose for a purpose (Psalm 139:16). God’s not done with what he started.

All the Reason to Praise Him

From scan day (May 13) to results day (May 23), join me in shifting valley thoughts into praise. Tag me on Instagram and Facebook when you embrace God’s goodness and shift those valley thoughts into gold. I will be doing exactly the same. Showing up in the social world pointing to the everyday gold God provides.

Valley shifters… let’s throw up our hands in praise of our good God.

There's gold out there. Let's find it together!


Unpacking Summer & “Mum School”


Throw Up My Hands