Freedom To Surrender

For those of you who have been following my journey, you may remember my friend that brought me watermelon. A year ago, Tim and the kids visited with family up north while I recovered at home from chemotherapy. My friend bursted in with her positivity and that perfectly ripe watermelon that I so needed. At that point, watermelon was the only thing I could eat. That specific day, I was missing out on all the Fourth of July fun my crew was having at the lake. 

Before I could even feel sorry for myself, I remembered the sacrifice her family made. It's hard to have a pity party for yourself when you surround yourself with people who freely give of themselves. Her family had sacrificed in huge ways when her husband was deployed to serve our country. For one year their life as a family looked so different than their norm. Yet, on 4th of July she is bringing me goodies.  

Fast forward a year, my crew is spending the holiday together. We've fought to find freedom from cancer over the past year. While I am physically in remission, surrendering my health is a continuous battle. Usually, a battle that starts with lies that I won't always be free of cancer. 

Do you ever have a battle that starts with a lie? What lies do you need freedom from?

Could it be freedom from chemo, radiation, or cancer? Did the diagnosis you received turn your life upside down? Maybe the full-term date of your pregnancy haunts you. For someone, it’s interacting with a loved one post-conflict. Loss. Anger. OCD. Addiction. Comparison. Pride. 

God loves you way more than the bottomless spiral of any lie that is holding you back from your best self. Freedom in Christ is available today!

Surrendering your life for His ways is an option today.

Not sure what that means, reach out HERE. I'd love to chat. 

Like I've said before: if I could, I would bring you a bowl of watermelon and tell you how much God loves you.


Oh, No She Didn’t

