Like Christmas Morning

At my doctor’s appointment this morning, I was welcomed to an exam room within thirty minutes of my appointment time. Previously, I’ve waited up to two hours before heading back to the exam room. Tim brought me a coffee and I got to see my favorite chemo nurse. I refused to go back to the infusion center to find her, so I sent Tim. No way was I going back to the infusion center if I didn’t need chemo. Nurses are really great, she showed Tim a post it note with my name, appointment date, and time on it. She’s a gem, always checking in on me. 

I needed that burst of joy. My cancer center is located on Medical Mile. Quickly, I remembered while driving in the doom and gloom of Medical Mile. A helicopter was landing at the nearby hospital, and there was a traffic jam in the cancer center’s parking garage. Clear reminders to pray for big things for those I encounter and those I will never meet. With the utter reminder that my health is way better off than most. 

I could hear my oncologist going from exam room to exam room. As soon as I heard his voice beyond the door my stomach dropped. It was as if I was riding Millennium Force at Cedar Point reminding myself on that initial uphill climb, “I don’t do things like this.” It sounded as if he was going to enter my exam room. I remember his voice being so predominant. It was another few minutes before he actually came in. Hello nausea. 

His strong voice cried out, “NO LYMPHOMA!”

My scan was clean. My doctor even noted, it’s often that scans overshow. Sometimes, it looks like a disease and it isn’t. I thought to myself, oh dear I am so happy that it was clearly clean. 

I can’t wait to share more about what this means moving forward, but I couldn’t wait to break the news.

So today we celebrate the goodness of the Lord and his moving in my life. Thank you for celebrating with us! What a dream to publish a website and hear cancer free on the same day. 

Before you leave, be sure to follow my website. Join me on this journey of healing from cancer and embracing the gift of everyday gold. 

It would truly be an honor to receive your encouragement as I process all that cancer has brought to my life. This will be the best way to get the scoop. 

My prayer is that you will find freedom from the pain you are experiencing and embrace the good happening in your life.  

